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One of the most exciting things that happened to me this week was when someone got me confused on Twitter with someone who took a picture of an English electronic music duo called Aluna George.

Canberra AlunaGeorge

Thirty four people favorite the tweet I was featured in, yet I wasn’t even there!  I can tell you that the evening in Canberra that I wasn’t even involved in looked so much more exciting than doing dishes and watching Big Bang reruns at home!  Plus, the tweets that I was tagged in were all love, no mean tweets.  You MUST click on that last link.  You’re doing a big disservice to yourself if you don’t.

Knee Slappin’

Oh swish!  I got such a kick out of this video from 1939 predicting what women would wear in AD 2000 including dresses with net (to catch the males) and cantilever heels.  Would the designers that made this prediction be disappointed to know that it only takes a smokey eye to be a real hot-mama in the 21st century?

got milk?

I also howled this week when I read a post from my daughter’s former vocal coach.  She is smart, and witty, and her posts are a treat.  I love mom posts.  I can’t get enough of hearing about the things that little kids say.  I loved that time of my life.  She mentioned that her young daughter has woven the word “actually” into conversations lately with hilarious effect. It went like this:

Daughter:  “I’ll have milk, actually”.

Mommy:  Wondering…was she “ordering” lunch from her, yet was all “of course” because Daughter was so confident about it….because obviously she had to weigh the choices mentally (apple juice?  Hmmm, no, too sweet before noon).  “I’ll have milk, actually”.

Head Scratchin’


I love Costco, but if I go on the weekend, it ALWAYS makes my blood boil!  Families walking two-by-two (or more).  Actually, to say walking is being too generous….sauntering is more like it.   Swaying, even.  Enough!  Single file, people and hop to it!

Sometimes it feels like all I do on the weekends is run errands, and it’s very difficult for me to achieve Entlisungsfreude when Noah’s Ark families are shaving precious minutes off my Saturday.



There’s a book called Schottenfreude coming out on 10/31.  Schottenfreude:  German Words for the Human Condition.  Some highlights include Gastdruck (the exhausting effort of being a good houseguest); Leertretung (stepping down heavily on a stair that is not there); and every female’s favorite – Entlistungsfreude (the satisfaction achieved by crossing things off lists).  Pronunciation guide included!

Toe Tappin’

I feel compelled to make my toe tapper a song by Aluna George since they are helping me elevate my Klout score due to the Tweet that I was mistakenly mentioned in.  Cheers!

Tastebud Ticklin’

Bourbon Chicken

So, this week we had the bourbon chicken that I made and froze last week.  Recipe from Pinterest.  I would give it 3.5 out of 5 stars.  I served it with rice like in the picture.  However, next time, I am going to use just a tad less red pepper, and make it into an open-faced sandwich with sweet cole slaw.  That might be worthy of 4 or 5 stars.

Penny Pinchin’

Seriously.  I am tired of it.  The story of my life for the last several years follows:

Peter Paul

If the drought doesn’t pass soon, how will I ever be able to afford those swanky cantilever heels?

See you in the ALCS